'Big Brother 24' Spoilers: Indy Threatens to Quit

Posted by Martina Birk on Saturday, September 21, 2024

Numerous houseguests have quit Big Brother for different reasons in the past 24 seasons. From troubling news from the outside world to mental health problems, fans have seen it all. And one Big Brother 24 player, Indy Santos, recently made some unsettling comments that led many to believe she might also voluntarily leave the game.

[Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers from the Big Brother 24 live feeds.]

Taylor nominated Indy for eviction in ‘Big Brother 24’

Taylor Hale won the sixth Head of Household competition of the summer. And her HOH reign hasn’t exactly been the smoothest ride, thanks to butting heads in the Leftovers alliance. Taylor initially didn’t want to nominate any of the women because of deals she made in the past. Unfortunately, she had to go back on her promise and nominate Indy alongside Terrance Higgins for eviction in Big Brother 24.

Indy, of course, wasn’t happy. However, the 31-year-old from Los Angeles has never liked Taylor. So her nomination shouldn’t have come as a big shock. Plus, Taylor reassured Indy that she wasn’t her target and that she wanted to backdoor Monte Taylor. Fans know this was a lie, though, because Taylor is working with Monte.

At the Power of Veto competition, Kyle Capener won the POV. Indy immediately confronted him following the competition to reaffirm that he would use the POV to take her off the nomination block. Since he was backed into a corner, Kyle said yes. But he never intended to save Indy in Big Brother 24.

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Indy tells Kyle that she would quit if sent to the ‘Big Brother 24’ jury house

Although Kyle didn’t end up using the POV on Indy in Big Brother 24 because he was scared that his showmance, Alyssa Snider, would go up in her place, he had another reason for keeping nominations the same.

According to Kyle, Indy told him that if she were voted out and sent to the jury house, she would quit. Instead of being a coveted jury member, Indy claimed she would just want to go home. Since so many people dream of making the jury in Big Brother, Kyle wasn’t a fan of her comments. And Kyle isn’t the only person Indy has told about her desire to quit.

According to Twitter, Jasmine Davis told Terrance, “If it did not work out, [Indy] said she did not want to go to jury.” Terrance responded, “That’s a whole slap in the face to this game and everything that we do here.” And Jasmine said, “I was like, ‘You can’t get out of it.’ She’s like, ‘I can’t do another six weeks.’”

Big Brother 21 houseguest Kat Dunn, who made the jury in her season, weighed in on the matter on Twitter. She wrote, “I would give anything right now for a 6-week PAID vacay at a mansion stocked full with unlimited groceries and zero responsibilities, but hey, that’s just me.”

Based on the Big Brother 24 live feeds, many players were put-off by Indy’s comments. And perhaps her threats to quit are enough to send her out the door on Thursday, Aug. 18.

Indy will likely be voted out on eviction night

Although Terrance was Taylor’s original target in week six of Big Brother 24, it looks like Indy will be the one sent packing on eviction night.

The Leftovers view Indy as a bigger competition threat in the game. So they would rather take their chances with Terrance moving forward. However, things change fast in the Big Brother house, and the Leftovers are already starting to fracture. Perhaps Indy will be given a second life in Big Brother 24.

A new episode of Big Brother 24 airs on Wednesday, Aug. 17, at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. And to see if Indy or Terrance leave the game, the live eviction episode airs on Thursday, Aug. 18, at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.

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